Silver Scream Spook Show presents: The Tingler
You’re invited to the Silver Scream Spook Show presents: The Tingler! October 1st 2022!
THE SILVER SCREAM SPOOK SHOW is a 30 minute live stage show filled with magic tricks, dancing girls, jokes, spectacle and frights!
1:30 PM MATINEE SHOW (Doors at 1:00PM)
10:00PM NIGHT SHOW (Doors at 9:30PM)
Tickets available at the door:
Adults: $15
Children 12 & Under: $10
Visit Plaza Atlanta for most up-to-date Covid-19 requirements
The Tingler (1959)
Dr. Warren Chapin (Price), discovers that the tingling of the spine in states of extreme fear is due to the growth of a creature that every human being seems to have, called a "tingler," a parasite attached to the human spine. It curls up, feeds, and grows stronger when its host is afraid, effectively crushing the person's spine if curled up long enough. The host can weaken the creature and stop its curling by screaming…